While on vacation, I was inspired. Inspired by salt, I guess. This Salted Chocolate Caramel Candy is rich, gooey, salty and EASY to make!
We are enjoying summer over at the Strawn house. I have to laugh (or groan) because my days are almost as busy as when school was in season. Actually, they are as busy.
Oh, well, such is life I guess. When we are busy, we need a treat like this Salted Chocolate Caramel Pretzel Candy. Don't ya think? I do.
Good thing we had a vacation so we could relax, unwind and listen to the waves and smell the salty air. While on vacation, I allowed myself a (mostly) break from blogging. It was a great time to refresh my mind and detach myself from the daily tasks blogging takes.
While away for a while, I had a several recipes pop in my head. It really is true, everyone needs a break for a while. One of the recipes I thought of was this delicious Salted Chocolate Caramel Candy. It is a simple 4 ingredient recipe that doesn’t take much time at all to put together. The longest part is waiting for each layer to harden.
Totally worth the wait. Totally.
The layers of pretzel, chocolate and caramel all blend together for a delightfully delicious candy. It is certainly rich so a little piece will do you well. Just the perfect bite size candy.
Salted Chocolate Caramel Candy
Simply take pretzels and break them up into smaller pieces. Size does not matter, simply break them up. Then melt milk chocolate chips and spread on pretzels.
This is when you need to let the chocolate harden for about 5-10 minutes in the freezer. It doesn’t take long at all, just enough so the chocolate doesn’t move around when you put on the next layer, the caramel.
Melt the caramel, spread on top of the chocolate. Freeze. Melt more chocolate chips and add pretzels. Spread on top of caramel. Using sea salt, sprinkle on the top of the chocolate. Pop into the fridge and let harden.
Be ready for chocolate goodness.
The salt adds a nice little something to the candy. Since the pretzels have salt, the sea salt on top is a nice compliment to the candy.
When the candy has hardened, about 30 minutes, break off into little pieces. I think this candy would be great wrapped in wax paper for candy trays or gifts. It also is just the sweetness a mom needs to get through the day. Add a coffee to it and you have it all.
📖 Recipe
Salted Chocolate Caramel Candy
Print PinIngredients
- 3 cups milk chocolate chips divided
- 1 ¾ cup Kraft Caramel Bits
- 2-3 cups pretzels
- sea salt
- Line a cookie sheet with wax paper and lightly spray paper with cooking spray. Sprinkle 2 cups pretzels on waxed paper
- Melt 2 cups chocolate chips in microwave for 30 seconds, stir. Repeat at 15 seconds intervals until melted
- Spread on waxed paper with desired thickness
- Place in freezer for 7 minutes
- Melt caramel according to package directions
- Spread caramel on top of hardened chocolate and sprinkle remaining pretzels on top
- Place in freezer for 10 minutes
- Melt remaining chocolate and spread on top of caramel/pretzels. Sprinkle with Sea Salt, as desired. Place in fridge for 30 minutes. Break into pieces and enjoy!
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